Sürdürülebilir Havacılık Araştırmaları Dergisi

ISSN: 2548-0464

Publisher: SARES

Country: Turkey

Language of Publication: Turkish


Journal Description

Journal of Sustainable Aviation Researches is an interdisciplinary journal that appeals to a wide audience and basically focuses on the theme of aviation and sustainability. The aim of this journal is to bring together compilation, research, discussion and criticism studies that relate sustainability and aviation issues, and to create a national knowledge base. This journal accepts publications from many applied sciences, especially aviation science, aircraft engineering, mechanical engineering, energy engineering, electrical-electronic engineering, materials engineering, environmental engineering, and architecture. In particular, it focuses on sustainable energy technologies, sustainable material technologies, green aircraft and green airports.

Editorial Office

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Hikmet Karakoç

Editor: Asts. Prof. İlkay ORHAN

Editor: R. A. Murat AYAR

Editor: R. A. Ali TATLI

Editorial Address:


2 Eylul Kampusu Havacilik ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakultesi

26000 Eskisehir

tel: +905326111658

Website: www.suhad.org